Our organic product range

Organic vegetables

Vegetables, grown wherever possible using the biodynamic method, are taken fresh from the harvest, and gently and rapidly processed using the highest standards.


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Organic herbs

Our herbs are produced regionally, and like the vegetables are carefully shock frozen so that the quality standards are maintained to the full.


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Organic fruit

All the more than 20 different varieties of organic fruit are supplied to us primarily from central Europe, from production zones ideally suited to the particular fruit type. The fruit is frozen fresh immediately after harvest.


For further Information please order our catalogue

Organic convenience

In all our convenience products, the inner qualities are our first priority. All products are free of all additives, aids and extenders. Demeter and organic raw materials are processed using artisan manufacturing to maintain the full raw material quality. Our diverse range offers a wide choice of international specialities as convenience foods.


Organic meat

We can guarantee you meat products of the highest quality. Our meat products are drawn from regional suppliers and certified by organic inspection bodies. Appropriate to the nature of the species only minimal husbandry is applied.


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Our fish products are manufactured from fish caught in a sustainable, environmental friendly manner from exactly defined fishery areas. This guarantees healthy, tasty fish without endangering the fish stocks themselves. Exclusive use of filets, a conscious exclusion of both deep frying the products and using polyphosphates make our products highlights in the market. 


For further Information please order our catalogue

Organic ice cream

Softly melting ice cream products made solely from Demeter ingredients are greeted with enthusiasm by lovers of fine ice cream. Artisan processing, alongside decades of experience with the production techniques give Rachelli ice cream top marks. All products from Demeter-Felderzeugnisse GmbH have the ingredients listed according to their nutritional content following the QUID regulations for food labelling. Of course none of our products contain ingredients that require compulsory declaration due to potential allergenic or other effects.


For further Information please order our catalogue

Organic pastries

Our bakeries work only with natural raw materials and exquisite ingredients. Besides our products are handmade and free from artificial additives.


For further Information please order our catalogue



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