

typical Italian dessert, made of creamy mascarpone cream, savoiardi biscuit soaked in coffee and fine cocoa powder

Ingredients: Cream with mascarpone cream cheese (77%): CREAM*, mascarpone* (17%) [CREAM*, acidity regulator: lactic acid], whole MILK*, raw cane sugar*, EGGS*, MILK powder*, maltodextrin*, tapioca starch*, ethyl alcohol*, thickener: Agar-Agar*, coffee syrup (11%): water, raw cane sugar*, liquid coffee extract* (7% in the coffee syrup), ethyl alcohol*, ladyfingers (11%): WHEAT flour*, sugar*, eggs* (26%), raising agents: sodium carbonates, ammonium carbonates, salt, cocoa*(1%).
allergenic ingredients: Gluten, Eggs and egg products, Milk and dairy products including lactose

Unit: 300 g

EAN: 8005020009752

*= ingredients from organic farming

Allergy notes: Gluten, Eggs and egg products, Milk and dairy products including lactose

Storage: Store at -18°C. Once defrosted do not refreeze. Defrost in a refrigerator for 3-4 hours and consume within 5 days. Once opened keep refrigerated and consume within one day.

Provenance: Italy (IT)



aroma, consistency:
Consistency: creamy


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