
Our products as well as ourselves are regularly put through external legally required inspections or checked by our internal quality management system.

Since Demeter-Felderzeugnisse GmbH was founded, we – as a pioneer of Demeter and Organic movement - have of course been certified. Demeter-Felderzeugnisse GmbH itself is inspected annually against the requirements of the European organic regulations (VO (EU) Nr. 2018/848) as well as against the Demeter, Bioland, Naturland and Biokreis guidance. Organic inspection body: DE-ÖKO-007

  • Demeter contract number: 31259
  • Bioland contract number: 906182
  • Naturland contract number: 1101702
  • Biokreis contract number: 20349

Health protection and food safety have the highest priority in food production. The basis of any quality management is therefore the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) concept. We have therefore also implemented a risk-based HACCP system in accordance with the international Codex Alimentarius regulations. The basic idea of this system is based on a hazard analysis through the entire supply chain from the raw material to the finished product. In this process, potential health hazards due to chemical, biological and physical risks are analysed and reduced to a minimum through adequate measures. To ensure our process and product quality, we also have ourselves regularly inspected by independent bodies.

Because we are constantly improving our quality management system and want to demonstrate this externally, we are ISO 22000:2018 certified. With this internationally recognised certification, we aim to ensure the greatest possible product safety.

We are also certified to the GMP + B3 standard for the trade in individual and compound feeds. GMP+ registration no.: GMP029926

In sector of wholesale fruit, vegetables and potatoes we work according to the certified QS standard. QS-ID: 4953113163935

Furthermore, we attach significant importance to long-term trading relationships with our association- or organic-certified producers, traders, processors and service providers. Through these long-term relationships with each other, our suppliers also reflect our high-quality standards (GLOBAL G.A.P., QS, IFS, BRC, DIN ISO, GMP, etc.). Demeter-Felderzeugnisse GmbH is a certified member of FairBio e.V. and has successfully passed the inspection of the Bioland guidelines on social responsibility.

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